Etienne Rousseau Theatre in Sasolburg, SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2022 AT 2 PM
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Da Pacem Dominum
Between 1618 and 1648, the Thirty Years´ War raged in Central Europe, resulting in the death of more than 4 million people, decimating in some parts of Germany more than half the population, and causing famine and destruction on a scale unequaled in European history. In music history, the first half of the seventeenth century also sets the stage for radical and exciting innovation, with the new ideas of basso continuo based composition, the doctrine of the affections, and the primate of text superseding the complex polyphony of the high Renaissance around the turn of the century. Clustered around this turning point, the composers of our programme were at the forefront of these developments, contributing to a concentrated burst of creativity even as the dark clouds of political conflict gathered. Hearing this music, enjoying its beauty and even understanding the well-known biblical texts, the modern listener seldom fully appreciates the existential relationship between these compositions and their historical context. Ours has been an age of peace unprecedented in human history, the sufferings of the last war faded memories of the previous generation. As we now again read the ominous signs of impending conflict all around the globe and in our country, we may arrive at a deeper understanding of this music, which expressed hope, sighs and suffering four centuries ago.
Schein Lobe den Herren, meine Seele ‘
Selle "Ach Herr" vir vyfstemmige koor a capella
Schütz "Herr, ich hoffe darauf" vir twee soprane of tenore en basso continuo
Schein "Selig sind" ‘
Selle "Es war aber ein reicher Mann" ‘
M. Praetorius "Nun bitten wir den heilgen Geist"
Selle "Siehe, wie fein und lieblich"
Monteverdi "Dixit Dominus" II (uit Selva morale)
Schütz "Vaterunser" SWV 411
Hammerschmidt "Da pacem, Domine" vir twee soprane en basso continuo
Schütz "Ich hebe meine Augen auf" SWV 31
Gabrieli Sonata XXI vir drie viole
Picchi Canzon vir twee viole en twee trombone
Picchi Canzon vir twee viole, drie trombone en dulsiaan
Lappi Canzon Negrona
Isabella Bonnet
Ute Smythe
John Warner
Viola Gamba
Liezl Smith
Margot Smythe
Hendri Liebenberg
Jared Smith
Gerhard Benade
Wolfgang Zerer
Alna Smit
Trish Maguire
Hilde Roos
Carola Berschat
Runhild Hüsselmann
Pieter de Villiers
Gerhard Coetzer
Jörn Friedland
Corniel Calitz